Site map
Here is an overview of all pages within this website at a glance:
Home - C&PS welcome page
- Contact us - our telephone number, email and postal address
- About us - information about our company.
- Cost and Services - information about the services we offer and details of our costs and monthly subscription. Download our latest pricing schedule here.
- Site map - this page.
- Computer Support - an introduction to maintaining a healthy computer
and the tasks we can help you with:
- Contact us - our telephone number, email and postal address
Security - keeping your computer secure
- Maintenance - the importance of basic computer maintenance
- The Internet - using the internet effectively as a resource for information, shopping and so much more...
- Email - the freedom of communication and organising your emails
- People Support - how CAPS can support home computer users:
- Contact us - our telephone number, email and postal address
One-to-one instruction - with our team of CDIs you will learn to drive your computer. You will start with the basics, gain confidence, find out about computer maintenance and go on to learn more advanced skills.
- Membership - learn about the benefits of becoming a member of CAPS.
- Work for us - learn about how Computer Driving Instruction works and what the role of a CDI involves.
- Family Safety - learn about Internet & computer safety for children and young people:
- Contact us - our telephone number, email and postal address
- Learn - find out more about online threats by watching these recommended videos.
- Talk - discuss what your child should, and should not, do online and print off a copy of the Safe Internet Use Agreement - sign it and put it on the wall.
- Have fun - enjoy some of the recommended sites by going online together (let your child show you how).
- Take action - make searching on the internet safer by blocking pornography on Google and YouTube and get a healthy balance by setting time restrictions on your child’s computer.
- Care - make each child’s computer use more comfortable – avoid posture problems by getting a laptop riser and separate keyboard and mouse and finally – encourage each child to learn to type.
- Presentations - find out about the Family Safety presentations we offer.
- Accessibility - read about our accessibility policy, access keys, changing text size in a browser and our website validation.