
We have aimed to make this website as accessible to as many people as possible. Style sheets have been used to style both the text and layout. Headings and lists have been used to give clear structure to the site and the user can easily change the text size using their browser if they require a larger text size.

Increasing text size

Image showing Page menu in Internet Explorer 7Internet Explorer 7

To increase the text size, go to the Page menu and select Text Size > Larger or Largest.

Internet Explorer 4+

To increase the text size, go to the View menu and select Text Size > Larger or Largest.

Image of View Menu in FirefoxMozilla Firefox 2

To increase the text size, go to the View menu and select Text Size > Increase (or hold down the CTRL key and press the '+' key one or more times).


Decreasing text size

Internet Explorer 7

To decrease the text size go to the Page menu and Select Text Size > Smaller or Smallest. Select Text Size > Medium to return to the standard text size.

Internet Explorer 4+

To decrease the text size go to the Page menu and Select Text Size > Smaller or Smallest. Select Text Size > Medium to return to the standard text size.

Mozilla Firefox 2

To decrease the text size Go to the View menu and select Text Size > Decrease (or hold down the CTRL key and press the '-' key one or more times). Select Text Size > Normal to return to the standard text size (or hold down the CTRL key and press the '0' key).


Website validation

  • The code for this website has been validated by the online W3C validation service [] and is valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional.
  • The style sheet that controls the layout and appearance of the site has passed validation by the online WAI Validation service []
  • All pages within our website conform with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 at level Double-A (Priorities 1 and 2). The WCAG explain how to make web content accessible to people with disabilities. Pages can be checked using WebXACT [], an independant code checker which checks accessibility in accordance with WCAG.

Icon showing this website is valid XHTML 1.0 TransitionalIcon showing this website has passed W3C CSS ValidationIcon showing this website conforms with WCAG Double-A (Priorities 1 and 2)
